Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

River's Log -- Star Date : 5 months (a Mammoth Post)

 Photo Courtesy of Foto Fly

River Boy-

Our little Bug, We can't believe your five months old (yesterday). There are so many wonderful things about you we can't believe, you amaze us everyday with how you are growing and how much you are learning and doing. 

We can't believe that you sleep through the night. We're not talking a measly 6 hours, we're talking all night long. You wake smiling and ravenous, but it's made all the difference for us. We feel like functioning people now, although baby brain is still on the scene. Does that ever go away?

We can't believe how cute and infectious your smiles are and how elusive they are to capture in pictures. You're just on the verge of laughing out loud. You are beginning to make so many funny cute noises. People are drawn to you and always comment oh how sweet your face is. You are so loved River.

We can't believe that you now weigh over 10 pounds. I love your chunky legs and full tummy. I remember you're skinny little legs and arms, but You are plumping out so nicely. You are under 3% for your weight and height,  but 15% on head diameter. You eat so much these days. We've had to switch to a bigger bottle size so it doesn't take an hour to eat and tucker you out. You drain your bottles now lickety split and you LOVE to eat.  

We can't believe how stinky and gross your diapers are... ew.

We can't believe how strong you are. You now kick your legs like a wild man.  IT's hilarious. You hold you head up and love looking around. You still hate tummy time, but every now and again we can get you to hold your head up while laying on  your tummy. Your little hands grab everything and hold on tight, including mommy's hair. You love to hold on to your toy giraffe and suck on him. If he's not available you settle for a burp rag. Binki's are still hated, but instead you chew on your hands and fingers, a couple of times it's just been your thumb. 

We can't believe how stinky your toes are and how much toe jam you accumulate, You must take after Great Grandpa Leon.

We can't believe that your love affair with your car seat has ended and you now cry loudly every time we put you in it. But we equally can't believe how much you love to go and do and see. We spent countless hours in IKEA and you're just a happy camper walking around and taking all that swedish design in. 

We can't believe how your relationship with Charlie has blossomed. He's quite like the Nurse maid Dog, Nana from Peter Pan. He's never far from you and loves when you lay on him. He can hardly wait for you to be big enough to play with, and for you to be big enough to drop food for him to eat.

We can't believe how awesome you did on your first trip to Utah. You rocked the airplane ride both ways. No crying, just eating, sleeping. and smiling at your daddy. You met so many new people and they love you. Nana cuddled you every minute she could. There was even a dispute among your aunts and uncles as to whose turn it was to hold you. :) Uncle Chris couldn't wait so he snuck over early to see you. You great Aunt eloise ate you up and sang to you so sweetly. Great Uncle George said he really liked you, which is good because you look just like him. All your cousins loved you, especially Abi. All she wanted to do was to be with you, to hold you and love on you. She cried at the thought of not getting to see you before you left one last time. It was a really great trip. When we got home you became very vocal, making all sorts of noises. We think it's because you were around and hearing so  many people talking the whole time.

I can't believe what a powerful baby blessing you got from your wonderful sweet daddy. You were blessed with great things: faith, hope, charity and an eye single to the glory of God. You were blessed with the desire to seek after the Gospel and to serve our Savior  Jesus Christ. These are important blessings River, and I hope that you will embrace them and that they will mean as much to you as they mean to me. It is because of the Gospel and Jesus Christ we will be a family for all eternity. 

One of the Reasons your blessing was so powerful was because of how much your father loves you. You could hear the sincerity and earnestness in his voice. I love how Skyler looks at you and plays with you and laughs when you do something cute. I love his running commentary as he changes your stinky diapers, not to mention the occasional dry heave, but he keep changing them because he loves you. I can see how much you love him too. You always love to look at him. When you hear him speak you look for him and when you find him you don't take your eyes off him. If he's holding you, you insist on either facing him to look at him, or sitting up on his knee like a big boy. He's so excited to take you and do things with you and teach you. Your daddy will be your greatest champion, protector, and friend. There is something special about a Dad and his Son. I can already see just how special that relationship really is.

I can't believe how much you mean to me. You are my treasure. I didn't know what would be asked of me to get you here when I prayed for you to come, but you are worth it all.  Every mother walks the line between heaven and hell to bring their little ones here, and I felt like mine was a battle bravely fought with heavenly hosts. 
But I never could have imagined how wonderful you would be. 
how wonderful you are. 

Every day is touched with divinity. I feel the eternalness of life. There is a greater purpose to this life, which is a part of a whole. I feel Heavenly Father's love for you, for me, for our family, and for all His Children. 

My sweet son, in you "ma joie est pleine", 
my joy is full. 

These are the lyrics of a french song I sing to you that I learned while serving my mission in Belgium:

Souviens-toi, mon enfant: Tes parents divins
te serraient dans leurs bras, ce temps ne’st pas loin.
Aujourd’hui, tu es là, présent merveilleux,
ton regard brille encore du reflet des cieux.
Parle-moi, mon enfant, de ces lieux bénis
car pour toi est léger le voile d’oubli.

Souviens-toi, mon enfant des bois, des cités.
Pouvons-nous ici-bas les imaginer?
Et le ciel jusqu’au soir, est-il rose ou gris ?
Le soleil attend-il la neige ou la pluie?
Conte-moi, mon enfant, la couleur des prés
et le chant des oiseaux d’un monde oublié.

Souviens-toi, mon enfant : A l’aube des temps,
nous étions des amis jouant dans le vent.
Puis un jour, dans la joie nous avons choisi
d’accepter du Seigneur le grand plan de vie.
Ce soir-là, mon enfant, nous avons promis
par l’amour, par la foi, d’être réunis.

Nous t'aimeons notre petite chouchou!

And now a look at what we've been up to lately:

A Utah Trip to see our Families.

Uncle George

Aunt Eloise

Grandma Fran

Kicking it will cousin Will

Watching tv with the boys

Back at home, just living the life
sleeping on daddy

bath time is a family affair

Your Blossoming Relationship with Charlie Dog
Best Buds

And we're out as River "moves like Jaggar"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Laundry Helper

River loved helping me with laundry today

Of course all Charlie wanted to do was play.

Sorry Charlie, River's not big enough today to play, but I know you'll  check again tomorrow and everyday until he is. :)